the way you plan your trip budget just got easier and quicker


Finance, Travel, Mobile Applications


Axure, illustrator, acrobat, google forms

My Role

I was a sole Ux designer throughout the project. I was responsible for conducting quantitative, qualitative and benchmark researches, analysis of data, strategic planning, wireframing and prototyping.

About the project:

Tackling the issues associated with arranging a trip's budget by offering a costs-sharing platform that is based on average price reports from travelers, and functions as a continually updating database of locations and prices.

The Story:

Undoubtedly, everyone looks forward to taking a trip overseas.
It prompts us to plan our trip ahead of time, think about what to pack,
where we want to travel, and - most importantly - how much money to bring.

But the process of planning, including budgeting, can be challenging due to dispersed and inconsistent information available on websites. This can lead to overspending and frustration, negating the benefits of careful planning.

From the participants had either
a partially positive or "poor"
experience with budget planning.

User research:


The first step in the problem-solving process was sending a questionnaire to 40 participants with the objectives of establishing the problem's foundation in reality, enhancing the qualities of the target audience, and gathering information on behaviors and experiences.
I found that more than half of the respondents rated the budget planning stage as "partial positive" or "not good at all" after analyzing their responses.

The causes were: Out-of-date prices, the price-location method, fragmented information, and overall the time taken putting together a "budget map."


A particular replying users were chosen to be interviewed during the research's second phase. The objective was to gain a deeper understanding of the findings of the quantitative study and to gather more information about the users behaviors.

"What was the most difficult portion in your budget
planning experience?

"was one of the interview questions that helped me comprehend the issue more fully. I was able to identify the users' problems and worries from their responses.
"How do you handle the issue of out-of-date costs while
planning your budget?

"was another example of a query.
I learned about their habits and preferences through theirs responses.


Combining my researches allowed me to have a deeper understanding
of the target audience and the product, which helped me create
fictional user personasthat represent various user kinds.

Benchmark Research:

In terms of info mining, TripAdvisor
is kind of a combination between
"La Metayel" and "Facebook."
Pros: Users can plan a more
well-organized vacation by selecting locations based on their ratings and using the system to create a map
of their travel destinations.
Cons: Even though we occasionally discover prices in the reviews, it can be difficult to know if they are up to date.

Facebook travel groups provide information from more intimate experiences, including recommendations and opinions.
Pros: The ability to ask questions in real time and have access to information are both accessible at all times in the palm of our hands.
Cons: The prices are not constantly
and accurately presented.
Even if it has been made a little easier than other competitors, the info mining
process is still a significant pain point.

The "la metayel" The website provides detailed information and evaluations on the key locations in the area, as well as rates for various activities and venues.
Pros: Reviews and comments sections.
Cons: There isn't a lot of information available about the prices, thus it's necessary to pick and choose those prices from
the comments.

Budget management
by users

The budget management phase comes after the budget creation phase. The "Notes" App on our phones, where users may record their expenses and keep tracking on them, usually facilitates this process.

More programs, like "Spendee" or "Walletapp," include automatic
calculation features but also demand manual budget entry and
category spending reporting.

The Target Audience:

Users who, on average, travel overseas at least once per year are between the ages of 21 and 40.
‍They manage their spending on their smartphone and have average to above-average
technological abilities. They are classified into three groups:

The suprem ones

They enjoy feeling valued because they believe their contribution is far superior. They enjoy vigorous activities and are unwilling to compromise on organization. They have a strong need to be correct most of the time, and they suffer when they are not.

The flow-y ones

They value having genuine people behind the numbers and enjoy going with the flow of life. They prefer less expensive holidays and focus on the essentials. Their greatest fear is being exposed as "suckers."

The organized ones

They prefer what comes effortlessly,
They don't want to work hard and expect things to go smoothly and without problems. They find it important to plan ahead to avoid uncomfortable situations.

The Solution:

An app that assists with dealing with outdated costs and budget map planning.
The app functions on a price sharing method between travelers who visit the
same destinations and attractions.
The prices are displayed as an average of expenses based on the number
of passengers chosen per trip. This is achieved using 2 main actions:

1. A selection of places from a locations bank (Planing).

2. Adding an expense to the place that was visited (Reporting).

Each spending report per place adds to the average reports of other
travelers, strengthening the total average price.
The average price is displayed to everyone (depending on the number
of visitors per session), and the location bank gives a convenient
and time-saving approach to select attractions in the desired destination.

Place selection flow

Place selection

The user enters the app straight to the “places planer” tab,
then chooses to select a places by category (rather then to search).

He chooses the food category and then selects “breakfast”,
in the breakfast page he/she can add a place to his/her
personal list.

The user chooses to display more results, find a place he/she likes
and add it to the list.

After the place is added to the list the user can choose
to browse and select more places or enter the list.

Expense Adding flow

Expense adding

The user picks the location to which the expense is
to be added, accesses the "place page," and then clicks
the "add expense" button.

After being led to the "Expense type selection" screen,
which is divided into categories (each location/attraction
has its own set of categories), the user has the option
to report an expense about the "entry tickets cost."

In a modal, the user picks the ticket type and amount
before moving to the "price entering" screen,
where the price is entered and the expense is saved.

The user can then opt to continue or stop the process.